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26 Feb-01 Mars – PGA Chine – Bouniol l’a fait!

Foison Golf Club, Guangzhou. China

Il a travaillé dur pendant des mois et le retour est là! Le Tarbais Cyril Bouniol se qualifie pour le circuit Chinois du PGA Tour. Plutôt que commentaires de circonstances et de dernières minutes inutiles laissons sa femme Sharlotte en parler:

« I am so proud of him and he more than deserves this! He has such a gift when it comes to golf and I am excited to see all that he achieves this year.

Over the past few months, I have witnessed all the hard work he has put into his craft to get all areas of his profession aligned. From sunrise to sunset for months, he has been so intentional on figuring out the right formula for success for him.🏌🏼‍♂️

Golf is much more complex than other sports, (in my humble opinion.. but obviously I’m biased 😉). The few that are talented enough to play at the professional level have so much responsibility! From the golf swing and overall “game”, to the mental game, physical ability, making sure your equipment is right for you, developing a new strategy each day according to the position of the pin, staying hyper-focused for close to 5 hours a day- for 4 days in a row… and the list goes on and on!

Other professional athletes usually have a team they can lean on and only have to be focused and “switched on” for 1-2 hours each week.

For the professional golfer, their success is solely up to them. The mindset and mental strength required is off the charts.

I am highly impressed by my husbands ability to continue playing and succeeding at such a high level. He has such a passion and love for this game and it brings me such joy to see acknowledgement and opportunity being rewarded to him for his talent and hard work.

Great job love!! I am so proud of you! »

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